Thursday, August 06, 2015

"Coconut Water"

Headed back to a favorite spot by Puako Bay, so quiet and peaceful and I  imagined going sailing on this sweet sailboat as I painted it. After a couple of hours, a workman drove in and said he had to trim some trees, and "would I like a coconut?" He chopped off one end with his machete and I tell you, after painting in the heat for 2 hours, "there is heaven in a coconut!!!" Oh was it delicious!! While I was guzzling away, he climbed up into the branches of my shade tree and (with apologies) proceeded to trim it with a chainsaw!! Holy cow, there went my solitude....and 10 minutes later I left, too.
    2015  / plein air oils on wood panel/ 11" x 14" copyright Lynn Capell

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