Yet another surf-inspired piece, this time a triptych that I finished last week. I watched these tandem surfers at Pine Trees last spring, and I 've wanted to paint them ever since. And since they were so precariously balanced, I thought I'd give it a whirl translating them into paint on 3 pieces of wood. The couple was so graceful and poetic, - to see them in the water was beautiful indeed. (How the heck do they do that on a surfboard, for pete's sake!)
Another magical day on the sea, as the catamaran Kaimaka ( the boat on which I crew) came upon a pod of Spinner dolphins! What wonderful creatures! They seemed to effortlessly glide and play tag with our boat for about a half an hour. The larger ones , sleek grey beauties, were just beneath the surface in front of our bow occasionally snorting big "whufs" of air before diving deeper.

The females and baby dolphins were swimming off to one side in small clusters and sometimes one would simply fly from the water spinning and twirling! One of the babies kept doing miniature leaps into the air,
trying to spin but only fluttering his tai before plopping back into the sea. It was so cute and funny and I just knew his own mama was laughing too.
A red sun glowed below darkening clouds that promised to rain, and a strong and naughty wind carried us back to the beach... but not before flinging the whole darn tray of delicate pastries onto one fellow's chest! "What a wind!" I howled, but the crew just smiled and winked, "You ain't seen nothin yet - wait till winter!"
Hoo boy... stay tuned...

My new word, "nalu" means "wave" (as in ocean) , in Hawaiian.
or "lynn" ( both be me!)
The paintings and photos on this page are all copyright L.Capell and may not be used without permission. Mahalo.