8. 'ewalu
Ahhh...winter's here!!! Big luscious pounding waves, clear blue skies (no vog!) over Hualalai Mountain, and -sigh- lotsa traffic. I suppose the traffic thing is inevitable...if you live in a beautiful place, "they" will come.
First pic was taken last week from the sailboat as we were coming into Anaehoomalo Bay from the ocean, with the offshore winds a' howlin'! Absolutely gorgeous....
I have been teaching a "plein air" class ,( which means painting outdoors on location), for the past several months. I spent my 5 years in Panama teaching myself, and I love being able to pass on tips and techniques I have learned.
Love as well "getting out there" and doing it myself, - a wonderful experience that is too easily put on the back burner when one is going solo. So , accompanied by my enthusiastic small group of students, we painted in the hills and beaches around Kona, and I have included some photos of the work I did there.
This was painted at Greenwell Gardens, at around the 1500 foot level above Kona in September. Oils on wood, it is 51" x 18". Funny thing was, I looked toward a view that wasn't even in the garden, but off in the distance. But that's what caught my eye and I always try to find that inspiring feeling, ...so here tis..."Greenwell Gardens".
I was down at the Old Airport with my class, and as we painted the coastline, the model airplane club down the beach from us was flying their remote planes, and they literally were buzzing our heads as we painted away. I kept envisioning one crashing into my wet painting! This one is titled Kiawe Trees and is 17" x 26".
Up in Holualoa as you go down the drive to the Inn is this little scene. I love the tall trees in the background, against the tiny little coffee shack. Called "Holualoa, December", it is 9"x 12", oils on wood.
And my backyard. Little old bench surrounded by adopted plants and things from family and friends and perfect for coffee. Just part of my wild tangle of a little yard. Called "set yourself down", it is 24" x30" oils on wood.
A new year and personal promises to paint even more, and to live and paint by my gut feeling and intuition. And of course, to keep on sailing!!! Happy New Year!
Be true to yourself and to others,
and live aloha,
"elle" capell
All photos and artwork on this page are copyright by the artist L. Capell, and my not be used without permission. Mahalo!