"There's a kind of hush..." (Remember that song?) The power is out, ...funny how that tends to send people in a tizzy. Makes em wander around on the streets in the dark and talk to total strangers, wondering “what’s going on?? What do we do with no tv, no computers, no music, just darkness and quietness.” Wow...sooo very quiet and so nice. I can hear a dog barking far away. Hmm.....kinda makes me want to pick up my guitar, or howl at the moon! Course I might get something thrown at me, (either way-ha!)
So-typing the the dark- a perfect excuse ahead of time for any typos I may make.

Did a little snorkeling today, midday off the boat (of course I was working!) and you can feel the “nip” in the water... temperature’s dropped a few degrees, everyone was shivering and a lovely shade of blue, but still “wet heaven”. Speaking of blue, there are a couple of patches of blue rice coral that are found only on this island, and it’s as if somone painted it, the color is such an unbelievable vivid lapis blue. I also saw an amazing creature...an "ocean angel!" Well, that was my name for it anyway. Imagine this...a delicate transparent pink body, about 1/2" long, with two symmetrical transparent pink "wings", it was so tiny and ethereal, just drifting along in the current. It probably was some kind of jellyfish, but it DID resemble Tinkerbelle! (the Captain said I just must've held my breath waaay too long....!)

Went to Maui in August, flew in a tinnny - (typo, but it WAS tinny -and tiny!) 6 seater. Smooth hop over but appearantly that’s not always the case, judging from the sigh of relief from the other passengers when we landed. I had a two week art show at Sargent gallery in Lahaina, with three evenings of painting in the gallery for folks on Thurs, Fi and Sat. With food poisoning, no less! I shoulda been an actress for that performance as a painter! Spent a day sightseeing -we even drove the famous “Road to Hana”...hoo boy....you drive and drive and DRIVE , and not only that but the road curves and curves and CURVES , then you get to the end and you have to TURN AROUND and go back! Shoot....It’s like a bad joke! Turns out last October’s earthquake messed up the last part of the road, so even if you don’t want to go back, you have no choice. Try that on top of food poisoning! There must be a moral here somewhere, but if you want my advice skip the road to Hana and go for a beer in Makawao.

Ok, enough about me... art time!! A little bit about these plein air pieces I have done on location around the Big Island: the first is of Kealakekua Bay, in the picnic area late afternoon, looking south. Oils on board, 11" x 14". The second is the same place, painted when I was teaching a class there, and wanted a different perspective. I love that purple "vog" in the afternoon, over the mountain. Oils on wood, 9"x 12" Then on down, the third is NOT the road to Hana, but a view of an Old Hawaiian Battlefield here in Kona. Locally called "the End of the World". A powerful place, even the waves there are strong!

And the hammock.
I included this one for fellow artists Bill Jones and Lisa Towers (wonderful blog btw,take a peek- http://onpainting.wordpress.com/ ) (hey Bill the cats run the hammock concession, but said they can work something out!)
Oils on wood, 9" x 12"
Saw this on the back of a pick-up truck here -
"Silly boys, trucks are for chicks!"
(ya gotta know the Big Island- we love our trucks!)
All art and photos are copyright of Lynn Capell and may not be reproduced without permission. Mahalo!