saw a wild kid (baby goat) as we were driving down to Kua Bay. We stopped, he stopped, we all just looked at each other from about 10 feet away, but when I reached for my camera he stepped into the shadows of the keawe trees . it was beautiful how he blended in. it would be nice to think they're all around us, in the shadows, peacefully. and I actually do hear them bleating in the evening sometimes.

I miss seeing the donkeys that used to wander the lava. will the wild horses of Waipio be the next to disappear? to be replaced by coqui frogs??? sheeeeshhh....
ahhh the glorious waves, the sweet rolling surf is back. Novice surfer that I am, I still enjoy it even on the "inside." I can only imagine what it must feel like on the "outside", riding the "big ones"! They have my awe and my respect (both the surfers and the waves!) truly a graceful sport , this sport of kings.

I've finished all but one. again, they are oils on wood panels. now I'm thinking of doing a "huuuuge" one...we'll see,,,

all paintings and photos are copyright l.capell 2006 and may not be used or reproduced in any way.
since the first day my relationship with the ocean began, where i finally found that peace in my soul, i have been left hungry in my search to capture artistically the dance between nature and human. i have never seen a work of art from anyone or anywhere that described that moment to me until now, looking at your pieces, I sat back and smiled knowing that finally i found that long lost treasure. congratulations lynn, i absolutely am in love with them. trent
I think I've fallen......No; I'm sure of it. She set the hook deep. Neptune, what shall I do next? Help I've fallen and don;t want to get up.
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